Wichita County History Volume 1 Index References

- N -

Naab: Emma (Paul), Michael Lawrence, Rosa (Paul), Walter E.

Nagel: Alvin, Alvin (Mrs.), Esabel

Naiman: Ernest

Nance: Randa (Mrs.)

Nanninga: Marie

Nason: Ethel, Franck

Natzinger: T. E.

Nayes: Maria B.

Neal: Tom, Tona

Needham: Abbye, Arnold, Gross, Hugh

Neff: Michael (Fr.)

Neill: T. L.

Nelson: A. F. (Rev.), Charley, Gaylene, Marguerite, Niles, Raymond, Rosa R.

Newby: J. S.

Newman: Clarence F., Elizabeth, Phillip

Newton: Ida

Neyer: Dee, Gillies, Gillies (Mrs.), Hazel (Basham), Hubert, Joe (Mrs.), John, Joseph Balthesor, Kenneth T., Lloyd E., Mary, Sylvia (Mrs.), Vida

Nichols: Leona

Nickel: Lois, Marie

Nipp: J. B.

Niswonger: Alice, Emerson, Stella (Burruss)

Noah: R. E./Raymond (Rev.)

Nodine: Charles, Charles Newton

Nolan: John

Norfleet: (Mrs.)

Norland: B. F.

Norman: George, George (Mr./Mrs), Jim/Jimmie/James

Norris: Ada (Buell), Clara, George, Neil, Sara May

Norton: Alice, B. R., Bartlett, Ben, Charles Edward, Darold Walter, Dora, Ethel, Flors/Flora, Isaac Aaron, Jeremiah, Jerry, Lura, Mary Elizabeth (Arms), Newton/Newt, Newton (Mr./Mrs.), Ransom Newton, Roosevelt, Ruth, Sallie, Wade

Norval: E. E. (Mrs.)

Norville: Signode

Novak/Novac: Arlene (Miller)

Nowlin: Mollie

Noyes: Hattie

Nutting: Bill

Nuttle: Marjory

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